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Non fungible tokens metadata for contract ID


This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.

NOTE: This endpoint is deprecated in favor of the Token Metadata Service.

Retrieves metadata for non fungible tokens for a given contract id. More information on Non-Fungible Tokens on the Stacks blockchain can be found here.

Path Parameters
contractId string REQUIRED

token's contract id


Non fungible tokens metadata for contract id

token_uri string

An optional string that is a valid URI which resolves to this token's metadata. Can be empty.

name string

Identifies the asset to which this token represents

description string

Describes the asset to which this token represents

image_uri string

A URI pointing to a resource with mime type image/* representing the asset to which this token represents. The API may provide a URI to a cached resource, dependending on configuration. Otherwise, this can be the same value as the canonical image URI.

image_canonical_uri string

The original image URI specified by the contract. A URI pointing to a resource with mime type image/* representing the asset to which this token represents. Consider making any images at a width between 320 and 1080 pixels and aspect ratio between 1.91:1 and 4:5 inclusive.

tx_id string

Tx id that deployed the contract

sender_address string

principle that deployed the contract